Funeral Flowers with Cremation Urns


funeral flowers with urns

Wreaths & Bouquets for Urns

Funeral florists are making beautiful wreaths for urns that can be in any color, or flowers, with candles and angels and more. A cremation urn can also have lots of beautiful bouquets around it, just like a casket can and give a wonderful feeling of love. Putting additional meaning into the flowers for your loved one by choosing meaning-specific colors can help with the grieving process. It allows you to tie specific memories or values, or times shared to each floral arrangement.

Yellow Funeral Flowers

Traditionally yellow is the meaning of friendship and joy. A yellow funeral basket of flowers is a great way to celebrate the close friendship with a lifelong friend or a close aunt or uncle. But less obvious is maybe choosing yellow flowers because that was the color of Uncle Ted’s hot rod. Maybe Aunt Vicki was an attorney and the yellow represents all the legal pads that were strewn throughout her office? Finding a connection between your choice of flowers and the person can increase the meaning of the gift.

White Funeral Flowers

White means grace, purity, modesty, elegance and reverence. White also means truth and protection. Do you remember the protector in your grandmother when she pulled you from the lake after you fell in? Or the time your parent picked you up after your first spill on a bicycle? Perhaps the priest or pastor of your childhood has been laid to rest, and a Pure White Spray is in order?

Pink Funeral Flowers

Pink is joy, longing, and “I’ll never forget you”. A funeral basket or a wreath of all pink flowers or pink and white, or even pink and yellow are appropriate and traditional combinations of colors to form the right tributes to the one you are mourning.

Rose Funeral Flowers

Red roses convey respect, love, and courage. A funeral spray of red roses says one thing more than anything, love. This person was loved and deeply. A perfect choice combined with some white baby's breath to say that you will miss and grieve this person for a long time. That you are truly in mourning and have a deep connect to the deceased.

Hearts & Cross Flowers

Hearts and cross flowers have become a common choice at funerals for any age of the deceased. They send a clear message of love or faith to all who attend the service. The color of the flowers are important as well. All white roses in a heart conveys innocence, purple flowers on cross dedication to the faith. The smaller the heart or cross display of flowers, the younger the person. Often a ribbon or sash is added.

Sashes of Grief on Flowers

Sashes in wide ribbon across flower arrangements can give further meaning to a bouquet.  Some can say “Beloved Mother”, “Forever In Our Hearts”, “Cherished Wife”, “Our Father”, and “Our Baby”.  These come in any color and usually have the words in gold letters.  Sometimes the funeral florist will put glitter on the banners as well.  These can add a nice touch.
