Creative Cremation Ideas

Feeling like the standard options for memorials are a little ho-hum? Worried that everything has already been done to death? It’s time to break out of the box with some creative cremation ideas. What if cremated remains could be up above, bright as the sun, close to the heart or moving at thousands of miles an hour? They can. And families can enjoy the thought that their loved ones can be part of a memorial unlike any other. Here’s five choices that are way beyond the ordinary.

1. Mix Ashes and Fireworks for an Unforgettable Display

Some people come in with a bang, and their families would like to help them go out in the same way. Fireworks displays are an important part of celebrations for many cultures worldwide. Having the ability to mix some cremated remains in with the fireworks for an explosion of brightness and life creates an unexpected delight for families in the midst of grief. Since memorial services are designed to feature just about anything, people can get exactly what they want. Many companies will feature different options for colors and styles of fireworks. People can also choose whether they would like to have a professional fireworks display, or something smaller they can light themselves for a cozier presentation.

Video credit: Heavenly Stars Fireworks

2. Make Tattoos from Cremated Remains

People are always looking for innovative ways to keep their loved ones near. Having an urn at home is a perfectly acceptable choice, but others want something permanent and as close as a hug. Since cremains are essentially harmless to humans, they can become a component in all sorts of things. Tattoo ink is a good example. Many family members and friends choose to get a tattoo to remind them of a loved one who is gone. These days, they can also have a minute amount of cremains prepared and mixed into the ink for use in the art. Imagine how different it might feel to have a permanent picture of someone that actually contains a small piece of them. All that’s left to do is to find a good tattoo artist and come up with a great design.

3. Send Cremains Into… Space?

This one is so sci-fi that it seems like it cannot be real. It absolutely is. There are actually a couple of companies that will do it. For a relatively tidy sum, a business will take a small amount of ashes and place it on a spacecraft for launch. What happens after that depends on the type of service people pay for. Options include: • sending cremains into space for a short flight, returning back to earth • putting them into orbit around the planet, where they will gradually return as a “shooting star” • depositing cremains onto the moon, where they will remain permanently • sending ashes on a journey that passes the moon and into eternity Lest people think that this choice is a bit too out of this world to actually work, they should know one of the companies has been completing successful missions for over 20 years.

4. Ashes to Pottery

The firing process for a piece of pottery is not entirely unlike a traditional cremation. The material is heated to a very high temperature, transforming into something significantly different from the original. Potters skilled in this process can use ashes in a glaze that will last forever in the piece of pottery, without compromising its beauty or function. This product is not without controversy, as some may have mixed views about appropriate use of ashes. But for those who want to have a cup of coffee with an old friend, this might be the ideal option. As part of a traditional pottery-making process, the firing makes the pottery safe for serving food and drink. Some people like to think of this approach as a way to keep loved ones in their daily lives, as they once were.

5. Using Cremains for the Perfect Shot

Hunting enthusiasts and those with a distinguished military career may long for a way, even in death, to show what a precise shot they had. Lucky for them, ashes can go just about anywhere, including inside a shotgun shell. There are several services available that can handle this for families, and In The Light Urns is one of them.

Customers ship a portion of ashes, which are placed inside a number of rifle shells. Since there are many different shapes and sizes of rounds, there are different sizes of ammo to work with. It’s worth noting that ammunition loaded with ashes counts as a live round. It must be discharged in a place appropriate for shooting live rounds. But in the right environment, it could provide an amazing sendoff after a 21-gun salute. Thinking outside the urn provides individuals and families with more memorial ideas that they ever could have thought possible. Everyone wants a little bit of immortality, and cremation makes that a lot easier. With these alternatives, people can take a walk on the wild side, even in their final rest.